Looking for wind energy industry events around the world? On Wind Events you'll find them all comfortably gathered in one website.
Got an upcoming event? Use Wind Events for your promotion. Record all your renewable energy events for free.
On Wind Events you can comfortably organize your personal schedule of wind energy events and share it with others. It's easy and free.
Upcoming wind energy industry events
Wed, 15 Jan - Fri, 17 Jan 2025
Wed, 15 Jan - Fri, 17 Jan 2025
Thu, 16 Jan - Fri, 17 Jan 2025
Tue, 21 Jan 2025
Wed, 22 Jan - Thu, 23 Jan 2025
Sun, 26 Jan - Wed, 29 Jan 2025
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On trade shows, exhibitors, conference programs, speakers, attendees etc. Wind Events follows two significant purposes:
- serve wind industry professionals to find, inform on and organize their trade show and conference dates a lot easier
- serve event organizers to announce their events to their target group(s) for better recognition and easier coordination i.e. to avoid overlapping show dates
Find events by country, city, subject, event type.
Match your interests.
With Wind Events we deliver a comprehensive collection of worldwide shows, conferences, summits, seminars, workshops etc. all gathered in one place - no more endless web research, confusion, missing dates.
Announce your events for free.
Get more visitors, attendees, participants.
As an event organizer you can simply add all your conferences, summits, exhibitions, workshops, webinars etc. to Wind Events. Bring up-to-date information on your events directly to your target group(s). Wind professionals from around the world will never miss your events again. Your events will additionally be published in The Windfair Newsletter.
Collect the easy way.
Gather events you're interested in.
In your account you can comfortably organize your personal schedule and share it with others. It's easy and free.
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Export your event collection simply and share with staff, business partners, family and friends.